Atomic Red

posted in: Imagebox, paintings | 0

The red icebreaker of a conscious mind is drawing his path between absolute infinite white and absolute infinite black. Always on the edge and always with a pill in his mouth — as a concentrate of the whole human progress.

Do you feel me?

Red hunter

posted in: Imagebox, paintings | 0

How big is the possibility to get a piece of a puzzle from something that looks random to me — notice in stranger’s blog, bizarre color scheme, somebody’s smile or emoji?

If I would hunt for it very attentively.

Simultaneous release

posted in: Imagebox, paintings | 0

The structure of time is the most mysterious of all human concepts and the most
inexorable — begin at the beginning then go till you get to the end then stop.
But what happens when you come to the beginning again?
What if everything going on simultaneously, can the exposing of colors
and forms bear such broken concept?

Random hope

posted in: Imagebox, paintings | 0

A superior structure always seems random for its users.
Does that mean they are unknowable?
How big is the possibility to get a piece of a puzzle from something that looks
random to me — notice in stranger’s blog, bizarre color scheme, somebody’s smile
or emoji?

If I would hunt for it very attentively.
May anything I hunt for, either for an answer or a question, be a kind of a pill
to understand?

The drug of hope?

Tyranny of the body

posted in: illustrations, Imagebox, paintings | 0
This is the page from my intimate diary, red album. Images appear in it as answers to big questions like these — what makes intelligence intelligent? What if the conscious mind is possible only inside the living body, as an answer to the question of survival? And is the desire to be free from reality the very reason that makes me dream my beloved naive dream, at the end of which I do not exist?
But I am here. I’m alone. I’m inside of myself, and around it is you know what? That’s right, me. And my dream is real only while I’m asleep. So I continue.


I’ve used my old acrylic on canvas work as underpainting layer in procreate. It was fun! There is some process:

Once in Moscow

posted in: Imagebox, photoplay | 0


История о том, как Эрика познакомилась с Красной

Как это обычно сейчас происходит, наше знакомство началось в интернете. Я словно маньяк-извращенец внимательно смотрела на каждое изображение с ней. Голая или прикрытая проводами, она все равно оберегала тайну. Многие думают, что только одетое тело оставляет полет для фантазий. Но это касается только тех, кто смотрит лишь на поверхность, предполагая, что главная загадка живет в области ног и трусов. Лишь немногим известно, что секрет даже не в коже.

Однажды на мой почтовый ящик прилетело письмо. В конверте я обнаружила несколько фотографий красной, с той поры мы с ней не расстаемся. Глядя на меня немигающим взглядом, она внимательно смотрит как я работаю и с интересом разглядывает всех, кто заходит ко мне.

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